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Playbill Group - Privacy Policy

Playbill Pty Ltd (Playbill) and, its related companies, Playbill Venues Pty Ltd (PV) and Playbill Printworks Pty Limited (collectively the ‘Playbill Group’ ‘we’ ‘us’), treat personal information provided to us with respect and integrity. Respect and integrity form part of our core values, which are the foundation for the conduct of the business in all parts of the globe.

This Privacy Policy explains how Playbill Group handles your personal information and safeguards your privacy in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles and other applicable privacy laws. It also explains our procedures for handling any requests for access to your information or privacy-related complaints.

The Playbill Group is bound by the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in the Privacy Act 1988 and all relevant Australian privacy laws. In addition, as the Playbill Group may provide products and services to individuals located in the European Union, the Playbill Group will comply with the  General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

1               What is personal information?

‘Personal information’ is any information or opinion about you that is reasonably capable of identifying you. It includes everyday information eg. name, address and phone number. It also includes the opinions of others about you that could identify you.

2               What kinds of personal information does the Playbill Group collect?

Generally, the kinds of personal information the Playbill Group collects are:

(a)            contact and identification information such as your name, address, telephone number and email address;

(b)            where you are acting on behalf of another entity (whether as an employee, director or other representative), details of that entity and your relationship with it;

(c)            banking and credit card details, for example, where you have purchased Playbill products and/or services;

(d)            sensitive information, including health information, where you are applying for a position with the Playbill Group and the information is relevant to the recruitment process through which you must progress; and

(e)            other information required for the Playbill Group’s functions and activities.

In some circumstances the Playbill Group may also hold other personal information provided by you.

3               How does the Playbill Group collect personal information?

We only collect personal information that is necessary for our functions and activities.

Generally, we try to collect personal information directly from you, however there are certain situations in which we may collect personal information about you from someone else. In either case, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are aware of the purposes for which the information is collected.

We may collect personal information from you in a variety of scenarios, including (without limitation):

(a)            when you request, order or purchase products or services from us (including by providing information to us in electronic form the Playbill Group’s website or through the websites of our client’s (such as sporting clubs);

(b)            when you register or update an online profile;

(c)            when you submit your resume to us for consideration of employment or an application to be engaged as a contractor;

(d)            if you participate in a Playbill Group online survey or competition;

(e)            any messages or comments you submit to us via the Playbill Group’s website, which may include personal information such as your name, email address and telephone number;

(f)             at events you attend (including sporting events, concerts and theatre) when you purchase merchandise from Playbill;

(g)            if you hire one of our venues;

(h)            when you use or view the Playbill Group’s website via your browser’s cookies; and

(i)              if you are a supplier to the Playbill Group, we may collect personal information from you to manage the supply of goods or services to us.

There may be occasions when the Playbill Group collects your personal information from other sources such as from:

(a)            an entity you represent (including but not limited to your employer or a company of which you are a director), where necessary for the Playbill Group to provide its products and/or services to that entity through you or for the Playbill Group to otherwise deal with that entity through you;

(b)            ticket sellers, such as Ticketek;

(c)            venue operators, promoters of events for which you purchase tickets, sponsors, and sporting clubs;

(d)            an information services provider;

(e)            a publicly maintained record or other publicly available sources of information, including social media and similar websites;

(f)             if for recruitment purposes, an external recruitment or background screening services provider or a health service provider to obtain, where necessary and relevant, health informationor

(g)            a government agency.

4               Why does the Playbill Group need your personal information?

The Playbill Group collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information where it is reasonably necessary for the purposes of:

(a)            providing the products and/or services you have requested, ordered or purchased from the Playbill Group including:

(i)             to process sales transactions relating to products and/or services you purchase from us (whether directly from us or through our clients, eg sporting clubs);

(ii)            to deliver the products and/or services to you;

(iii)           to register you for a service requested by you, such as our newsletter(s) and e-newsletters, mail outs, rewards program(s) or competitions and administering such services;

(iv)           to manage claims for repairs, replacement products, or refunds;

(v)            to respond to any inquiries, feedback or complaints made by you;

(b)            to enable us to promote our products and services to you and the products and services of the third parties that we deal with, including (but not limited to) venue operators, promoters of events for which you purchase tickets, ticket sellers, sponsors and sporting clubs;

(c)            to enable the third parties that we deal with, including (but not limited to) venue operators, promoters of events for which you purchase tickets, ticket sellers, sponsors and sporting clubs to provide you with the products and/or services you have requested, ordered or purchased; 

(d)            processing commissions and royalty payments for clients of the Playbill Group for whom we run an online shop;

(e)            assisting us to improve our products and services and making them more relevant to you;

(f)             processing and assessing employment applications for current and future positions;

(g)            accounting, billing and other internal administrative purposes;

(h)            otherwise managing our internal business operations and processes; and

(i)              any other legal requirements.

The Playbill Group may also use your personal information for purposes related to the above purposes and for which you would reasonably expect the Playbill Group to do so in the circumstances, or where you have consented, or the use is otherwise in accordance with law.

The principal legal grounds for the Playbill Group’s use and disclosure of your personal information are as follows:

n     Consent: where you have consented to our use or disclosure of your personal information.

n     Contract performance: where we are required to collect and handle your personal information in order to provide you with the products and services that we have contractually agreed to provide to you.

n     Legal obligation: where we need to use or disclose your personal information to comply with our legal obligations.

Where personal information is used or disclosed, the Playbill Group takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure it is relevant to the purpose for which it is to be used or disclosed. You are under no obligation to provide your personal information to the Playbill Group. However, without certain information from you, the Playbill Group may not be able to provide its products and/or services to you.

5               To whom does the Playbill Group disclose your personal information?

We may disclose your personal information to third parties in certain circumstances, including for example:

(a)            to our service providers who assist us in providing our services. These may include companies that assist us with data processing and analysis, research, mail & fulfilment services, debtor management or maintenance. We will only disclose your personal information to those third party service providers on a confidential basis so that the service provider can effectively provide those services;

(b)            where you have provided consent, to our clients for whom we provide services, including clients and relevant sporting clubs and teams for whom we sell products on online stores we operate for them, or for whom we sell merchandise at events;

(c)            to the Playbill Group’s professional advisers, contractors, consultants and related bodies corporate;

(d)            to people or entities considering acquiring an interest in the Playbill Group’s enterprise or assets;

(e)            to our related bodies corporate, venue operators, promoters, ticket sellers, and to insurance providers; and

(f)             where required or authorised by law, which may include emergency situations and assisting law enforcement agencies.

6               Overseas disclosures

The Playbill Group may disclose personal information to overseas recipients in order to provide its products and/or services and for administrative, data storage or other business management purposes.

The Playbill Group has business operations in countries outside Australia, including New Zealand, USA, South Africa, United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Singapore and the recipients of such disclosures are located in those countries.

If you order a product from us and the stock of the product you order is only in stock overseas, we may send your personal information to the country in which the stock is located to fulfil your order and arrange for the ordered product to be shipped directly to you.

Overseas recipients may have different privacy and data protection standards. However, before disclosing any personal information to an overseas recipient, the Playbill Group will take steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure the overseas recipient complies with the Australian Privacy Principles, EU data protections laws (where applicable) or is bound by a substantially similar privacy scheme.

If you have any queries or objections to such disclosures, please contact the Playbill Group’s Privacy Officer on the details set out in paragraph 15.

7               Direct marketing

The Playbill Group may use and disclose your personal information for the purpose of direct marketing activities about our products and services that may be of interest to you where we have obtained your consent to do so, or in circumstances where we have collected the information directly from you and you would reasonably expect that your personal information would be used or disclosed for this purpose.

We may also share your personal information with our related entities and/or clients, such as sporting clubs and/or promoters, so that they can provide you directly with marketing material about their products and services.

In the event you do not wish to receive such communications, you have the right to opt-out by contacting the Playbill Group via the contact details set out in paragraph 15 or through any opt-out mechanism contained in a marketing communication to you. If you have agreed to receive marketing materials, you may wish to opt-out at a later date and you will have the opportunity to do so.  

8               Access and updating personal information

We will take reasonable steps to make sure that the personal information we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

If you need to access or correct any personal information we hold about you, please contact us using the ‘Contact Details’ set out below. We request that you provide us with as much detail as you can about the particular information you seek, in order to help us retrieve it. There is no fee for requesting access to your information, however a fee may be charged to cover our costs of providing that information to you. In certain circumstances, we may not be required by law to provide you with access or to correct your personal information. If that is the case, we will give you our reasons for that decision.

The Playbill Group will endeavour to respond to your request to access or correct your personal information within 30 days from your request.

9               Maintenance and protection of personal information

We will take reasonable steps to protect all of the personal information we hold from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. This protection applies in relation to information stored in both electronic and hard copy forms.

Additionally, we are continually reviewing our practices and procedures to maintain our commitment to the protection of your personal information. This Privacy Policy relates to our current privacy practices, but we may vary this privacy policy statement from time to time and variations will be notified on our websites or you may request a current copy from our Privacy Officer (see ‘Contact details’ below at paragraph 15).

10            Links

Our websites may, from time to time, contain links to the websites of other organisations which may be of interest to you. Such links are provided as a convenience to you and should not in any way be interpreted as an endorsement of any company, content or product that may be linked. Any access to a third party website that is linked to our website is at your own risk and we have no control over and are not responsible for the accuracy, validity or ownership of any content of a linked site and the privacy practices of those linked websites. You should check those websites for their respective Privacy Policies.

11            Security

We use a number of mechanisms to protect the security and integrity of personal information submitted via our websites. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as completely secure. So while we strive to protect such information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information transmitted to us and individuals do so at their own risk. Once any personal information comes into our possession, we will take reasonable steps to protect that information from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. The Playbill Group holds personal information in both hard copy and electronic forms in secure databases on secure premises, accessible only by authorised staff.

A username and password may be essential for you to use some sections of our Website. For your own protection, we require you to keep these confidential and to change your password regularly.

Please note that we do not and will not have access to your password.

The Playbill Group will destroy or de-identify personal information in circumstances where it is no longer required, unless the Playbill Group is otherwise required or authorised by applicable laws to retain the information, including EU data protection laws.

12            Cookies [#optional section, delete if inapplicable]

The Playbill Group’s website uses ‘cookies’ which are small pieces of information sent from the website and stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies that we use enable our systems to provide features of our services and allow you to visit our website without re-entering your username and/or password, personalise and improve your experience, and to improve the functionality and user-friendliness of our services and monitor how our website is used through your computer.

This information is used by the Playbill Group to improve and tailor our website functionality and better understand how you interact with our services and to monitor aggregate usage and web traffic routing on our website. You can modify your browser setting by editing your browser options to reject our cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie. However, if a browser does not accept cookies or if you reject a cookie, some portions of our online services may not function properly.

13            What are your rights under the GDPR?

From time to time, Playbill may collect personal information of residents of the European Union. In order to comply with the GDPR, the Playbill Group is committed to making sure that EU residents about whom the Playbill Group holds personal information, you are fully aware of their rights. Every such individual is entitled to the following:

(a)            The right to access - the right to request that the Playbill Group provide copies of their personal information.

(b)            The right to rectification - the right to request that the Playbill Group correct any information they believe is inaccurate.

(c)            The right to erasure - the right to request that the Playbill Group erase their personal information, under certain conditions.

(d)            The right to restrict processing - the right to request that the Playbill Group restrict the processing of their personal information, under certain conditions.

(e)            The right to object to processing - you have the right to object to the Playbill Group processing your personal information, under certain conditions.

(f)             The right to data portability - the right to request that the Playbill Group transfer the data that we have collected to another organisation, or directly to them, under certain conditions.

14            Privacy complaints

Please direct all privacy complaints to the Playbill Group’s Privacy Officer. At all times, privacy complaints:

(a)            will be treated seriously;

(b)            will be dealt with promptly;

(c)            will be dealt with in a confidential manner; and

(d)            will not affect your existing obligations or affect the commercial arrangements between you and the Playbill Group.

The Playbill Group’s Privacy Officer will commence an investigation into your complaint. You will be informed of the outcome of your complaint following completion of the investigation. In the event that you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may refer the complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

15            Contact details

If you have any questions or feedback about this Privacy Policy, or wish to make a request for access to any personal information that we may hold about you, or wish to make a complaint about the way in which we have handled your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer by:


Mail:     The Privacy Officer

Playbill Pty Ltd

PO Box 410

Paddington NSW 2021

Office:  Suite A, Level 1, Building 16

Park Road North, Fox Studios

Moore Park NSW 2021